A Productive Pandemic

What’s a better time to start a blog than during a pandemic? This is a given period for all to go after their interests, dreams, and passions. How a person harnesses this time is a true reflection of their dedication and commitment to their goals.


MY GOODNESS! In March there were so many productivity-shaming articles and “LLC Twitter” comments about how we all should have businesses at the end of this ordeal. That a pandemic was a perfect time for any of us to become the next “Black Bill Gates”. First of all, black capitalism will not save us. Second of all, no. Nevertheless, I still let these notions seep into my subconscious. 

It is now July 10th. I type this post after a rough 48 hours of pondering if I am collateral damage in this new fight to open public K- 12 schools in the Fall. During these past few days I have felt unmotivated and uninspired. It took a lot for me to complete the simplest of tasks. I began to beat myself up about my lack of productivity this week, but also in the past five months. 

I could not help but to see what others have accomplished within this period- everything from weight loss, marriages to publications. And here I am binging every Netflix original series ( Never Have I Ever is the best).


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Frankly, I am tired of beating myself up.

I am supposed to be my own best friend! 

So, I realized that…

I have to give myself some grace.

Give yourself some grace.

I am here to let y’all know that there is no such thing as a productive pandemic. I (we) have never experienced a global pandemic. It is not a time to shame ourselves or each other for doing the best that we can at this moment. We are anxious, frustrated, and grieving the loss of people, routines and celebrations. It is okay to feel all of this. It is okay. 

I am doing what I can when I can:

  • Living in the Moment 

    • Allowing myself to feel all of the feels Acknowledging and accepting those feelings

  • Envisioning the Future

    • Drafting the answers to who I want to be and how I want to bring about positive change for others

  • Whatever feels Good

    • Partaking in whatever brings me genuine happiness and joy

I encourage you to do the same.


Black School Counselors Matter