Beyond Scheduling: Back-to-School Tasks for School Counselors
Beyond the regular scheduling responsibilities, school counselors can take proactive steps before the school year to enhance their effectiveness and support for students. Organizing caseload information, establishing communication with families, preparing for 504 Plans, and completing the annual agreement form with the principal are just a few essential tasks that contribute to a successful academic year. By investing time in these tasks, school counselors can positively impact their students' lives and create a nurturing and supportive school environment.
The School Counselor and the CRT Bans
The 2021 - 2022 school year is about to be a hell of a year. School counselors can’t ignore the added layer of angst dealing with the CRT bans and debates.
The Art of Staying in Your Lane
Raggedy Ann(e)
I was running myself raggedy and I want to encourage you not to run yourself raggedy- mentally, emotionally, or physically.
5 School Supplies I Nerd Out For
I’m going to nerd out to y’all about my Top 5 School Supplies! And for anyone else out there starting something new in the midst of chaos find something good & true and use it to your desire!
Y’all, I can’t write.
Grad school angst-I am from the country and often I write how I speak which is discouraged in formal writing.
Black School Counselors Matter
Knowledgable and qualified Black school counselors serve as mirrors and windows for not only Black students, but for ALL students.
A Productive Pandemic
This is a given period for all to go after their interests, dreams, and passions. How a person harnesses this time is a true reflection of their dedication and commitment to their goals.