The School Counselor and the CRT Bans

Let me start by saying that I don't have any answers. 

Over the past year, there has been a call to ban Critical Race Theory (CRT) teaching in PreK - 12 schools. "Protestors" stormed school board meetings, social media, and other public platforms to express their disdain for CRT being taught in schools. All while admitting that they do not have any knowledge of CRT. We're in the midst of a dangerous battle. 

What is CRT?

This graphic was created by Impact, which accurately and simply explains CRT. CRT is an academic framework that teaches how race is a socially constructed category used to oppress and exploit people of color. I do not believe that the existing CRT framework is taught in our schools to students, but many educators use its implications to guide their practices. 

Graphic from @Impact on Instagram

Graphic from @Impact on Instagram

However, CRT has become a dog whistle to prevent schools from engaging in antiracist practices. Don't believe me? Below is a graphic tweeted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a self-proclaimed non-profit, non-partisan research institute dedicated to liberty, free enterprise, & personal responsibility. As of today (July 20th, 2021), the tweet containing the graphic has been deleted, but screenshots last forever. There are 21 items listed for people (parents, students, etc.) to look out for to identify CRT in the classroom. Among the items are terms/phrases such as microaggressions, cultural competence, Black lives matter, allyship, etc. Many of these terms align with creating antiracist and culturally competent schools so that schools may genuinely be a safe space for all students. 

Graphic from @Texas Public Policy Foundation on Twitter

Graphic from @Texas Public Policy Foundation on Twitter

What does all of this mean (to me)?

We're beginning to see state officials banning (their personal and purposeful definition of ) CRT in classrooms across the country. Teachers are being fired for supposedly teaching CRT. A Floridan teacher was fired in May 2021 for refusing to remove a Black Lives Matter banner outside her classroom. Additionally, school districts' equity and diversity initiatives are receiving backlash and being labeled as divisive. Tyler Kinkade inks out how the CRT battle is pushing out educators. Educators stated being overwhelmed and discouraged by the pushback to the point of leaving education. 

What does this mean for school counselors (to me)?

Unfortunately, I believe this means that these "protestors" will attack counselors implementing comprehensive antiracist school counseling programs. Visiting the Texas Public Policy Foundation's graphic, at least 19 of those items are addressed or guide my pedagogy and my department's comprehensive school counseling program. Educators are being fired for this, and it's nerve-racking. Our professional organizations are finally recognizing the need for antiracist school counseling, and the little progress that the field has made is now being threatened. School counseling is not a passive profession, and our dedication to liberating the field from white supremacy is being challenged. I fear that may convince many school counselors to remain stuck in kindness. Furthermore, I've seen Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) tied to CRT. SEL?! A significant component of the school counseling profession. Here are the comments from the public about the state of Virginia’s new SEL standards. It’s disheartening. I just know that it won't be before long that our school counseling curricula will be disputed.

As I said earlier, I don't have any answers, but here's what I plan to do:

Stay Encouraged: Antiracist school counseling is essential, and this work matters for our students and communities. Stay on this path as much as you can while taking care of yourself. 

Get Connected: Find your people ASAP, whether they're in your school, district, or on social media. Ish is getting real, and you will need some people in your corner to love on you and support you. 

Stay Ready: Just be prepared for BS. Someone may try to flip your lesson on advocacy as "social justice warrior race-bait material." Having that support system to guide you will be necessary. 

The 2021 - 2022 school year is about to be a hell of a year. My main focus was attending to the needs of students from the collective trauma of the ongoing pandemic. Yet, now that feels interrupted. I'm going to still do what I'm going to do, but I can't ignore the added layer of angst dealing with these CRT bans and debates.

Don’t hesitate to reach out or connect with me if needed. 

Onwards and Forwards…

ASCA’s Antiracism Resources


Beyond Scheduling: Back-to-School Tasks for School Counselors


The Art of Staying in Your Lane