The Art of Staying in Your Lane

The phrase stay in your lane is used as a term of admonishment or advice against those who express thoughts or opinions on a subject about which they are viewed as having insufficient knowledge or ability.

Merriam - Webster Dictionary

Let experts do the talking. Don't talk out of your ass.

Urban Dictionary 

I am a BIG advocate of staying in your lane. There is freedom in knowing that you do not have to always speak on a topic when you truly do not have the skillset to do so. While everyone has an opinion about various topics it does not mean that everyone needs to share. In the age of social media, everyone and anyone can have access to a platform to share their ideas. This does create community and allow us to find like-minded individuals. However, it has become increasingly noticeable when people are moving outside their range. 

Now I am not saying that people should not explore and expand their knowledge. I am simply saying that it's okay to be quiet, learn, and then speak. The amount of misinformed opinions shared and oftentimes stated as fact is alarming especially on social media. Couple that with the lack of media literacy- it's a cesspool of misinformation

I am always comfortable saying “I don’t know”, “Let me get back to you”, or “Let me find someone who may know”. It has worked very well for me and has helped me  avoid being an ass. Also, I see this as allowing those who have done the work to speak and share their knowledge. If only we let people who know what they are talking about talk more to the masses?

So, how do you stay in your lane?

  • Focus on Yourself - Take a break from watching others and check in with yourself, your goals, your health, and your mindset. 

  • Expand Your Knowledge - Take the time to truly research topics of your interest. Listen to those who have a good understanding of the topic or the lived experiences. Most importantly uplift their voices. 

  • Remember Your Uniqueness - Have you even found your lane yet? When we are constantly soaking in others opinions we can forget to form our own. You are one-of-kind and can carve out your own niche. 

It’s a blessing knowing that you’re not the expert on everything. 

It's an art to stay in your lane. 

It’s freeing. 

Let me know what you do consider to be in your lane…

Let me know how boss you are!


The School Counselor and the CRT Bans


Raggedy Ann(e)